"Mom, I've always wondered...what's Jesus' phone number?"
Funny kid.
Drake Family
Monday, April 9, 2012
Monday, March 5, 2012
Randomness in January and February 2012
January and February have flown by but here are some of the things that went on in the Drake Family...
Grady was super excited for the snow... yes that is our Christmas tree out there.
So excited in fact that he is going out there with PJs, a coat, socks, and crocs.
This is Sarah Jane's first year of playing Mini Vikes Soccer and she did pretty good...
she is so small, it was super cute!
So excited in fact that he is going out there with PJs, a coat, socks, and crocs.

she is so small, it was super cute!
Happy 6th Birthday Carlie!
This birthday was going to be a big deal with a party,
then Carlie got strep throat the day before so
she couldn't be around anyone on her birthday.
Sad, I know, but we made a little cake and had our own party!
then Carlie got strep throat the day before so
she couldn't be around anyone on her birthday.
Sad, I know, but we made a little cake and had our own party!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Christmas 2011
Our Christmas began with buying a very large Christmas Tree from Costco...
in the Waltman family and my kids love to hang theirs on our tree every year!
on the tree but got in trouble when he took them off or moved them.
Needless to say by the time Christmas day came
round the ornaments were mostly on the top of the tree!
Grandpa Randy, Grandma Charlotte, and Uncle Sam came for breakfast and gifts!
I think it's fair to say these kids got spoiled!
We had a very Merry Christmas
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Caught up... be prepared!
Here we go... somewhat in order.
Gus' Dad won tickets to a BSU game and took Gus!
Gus' Dad won tickets to a BSU game and took Gus!
They had a lot of fun!
Matching shirts they both got for Christmas last year.
Silly Kids
Silly Kids
My silly little Bug with a wild imagination!
She is so fun!
She is so fun!
Carlie is such a pretty little girl. This is her practicing for picture day at school!
Carlie is such a good big sister. She always gives the kids piggy-back rides. Here Grady is flying and saying "To the Rescue!"
My Birthday
My Birthday
With the help of my sister Valerie, my Sweet Husband threw me a surprise party! It was so fun, Valerie made me an ice-cream cake! YUM!
I was so surprised when we left the house through the garage and
when we opened the door there were people outside!
Good thing Gus had tricked me into cleaning my house before they all got there... so sneaky!
when we opened the door there were people outside!
Good thing Gus had tricked me into cleaning my house before they all got there... so sneaky!
Thank You to all my good friends...
...and thank you Valerie (not saying you aren't one of my good friends)!
The Pumpkin Patch was a lot of fun this year!
We went with the Jones family and met the Foresters a little later!
We went with the Jones family and met the Foresters a little later!
This camel was HUGE and super cool! The kids LOVED the petting zoo this year and actually touched the animals!
On the Hay Ride... we found some good pumpkins!
All Dressed up!
All Dressed up!
Grady the Monkey, Sarah Jane the fairy Princess, and Carlie Snow White Thanks to Old Navy for the monkey suit that has lasted for five years,
thanks to Shari for the fairy costume, and thanks to Jeniele for the Snow White dress!
thanks to Shari for the fairy costume, and thanks to Jeniele for the Snow White dress!
We went around our neighborhood with Brandon and Valerie's families... Here are some super cute little boys, Landon the Bear and Bridger better known as Nemo
Grady was at the tail of the table, I guess you could say.
We had all the Drakes/Garcias that are in the area come for dinner!
We also had Great Grandma Walker and Greg (a friend from work)
it was a full house and we had a feast!
We had all the Drakes/Garcias that are in the area come for dinner!
We also had Great Grandma Walker and Greg (a friend from work)
it was a full house and we had a feast!
Silly girl... I think that was the only thing she ate!
Later Thanksgiving night we headed out to my parents home for lots of pie!
Later Thanksgiving night we headed out to my parents home for lots of pie!
This was only a third of the room.
It was a lot of fun and a little crazy, like usual,
but if it weren't it wouldn't be a Waltman Get Together!
Thank you for putting up with my oh so late posts but now I am caught up to Christmas! Yay!
It was a lot of fun and a little crazy, like usual,
but if it weren't it wouldn't be a Waltman Get Together!
Thank you for putting up with my oh so late posts but now I am caught up to Christmas! Yay!
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