January and February have flown by but here are some of the things that went on in the Drake Family...
My sweet boy after a fall with the bar stool landing right on his nose... OUCH!
Grady was super excited for the snow... yes that is our Christmas tree out there. So excited in fact that he is going out there with PJs, a coat, socks, and crocs.
The kids all decked out to play in the snow that only lasted one day but they had a blast!
Carlie is a good big sister and takes great care of her little brother and sister!
This is Sarah Jane's first year of playing Mini Vikes Soccer and she did pretty good... she is so small, it was super cute!
She got to play with two of her cousins... Kara and Dylan! Grady wanted to be out there but has to wait til next year!
Picture time... they are so cute!
Now zoom in on Sarah Jane... ya gotta love the eyes! It is so her!
This birthday was going to be a big deal with a party, then Carlie got strep throat the day before so she couldn't be around anyone on her birthday. Sad, I know, but we made a little cake and had our own party!
Thank goodness she was feeling better ON her birthday and had fun!
We love this little girl... she is growing up much too fast!
We did have grandparents and a couple of cousins over for more cake and presents a few days later when all was safe. Carlie got lots of great gifts!