Friday, September 19, 2008

Our Twin Falls Buddies!

At the end of July our best friends from Twin came for a visit. We had a lot of fun, Lindy and Greta came over in the afternoon and visited with the girls and I for a few hours then Gus and Neil came home and we went to our favorite place to get a steak... Texas Roadhouse!
Carlie and Greta have a lot of fun together! After a good dinner we played a rousing game of Settlers of Catan, a tradition we started in Twin! We really don't miss much about Twin but we miss them! Lindy at my count it's your turn to visit again... what with us visiting for the temple open house! Miss you guys!

1 comment:

Daniel and Tiffany Dunn said...

its about time you update!! i like the renovations of your blog! i miss you! remember tyler from volleyball? i saw him the other day. also judson is in Reeve's class. he likes it but says she has a temper and gets really excited about a good play! haha!!