Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Gus!

Happy 29th Birthday Gus!
We had a little birthday party for Gus. We had 14 adults and 19 children crammed into our little house! It was wild but so much fun with lots of good food! So many candles so little cake!
Greg and Christina got him is favorite drink... sold only in Brazil...and Ridley's in Middleton, ID!
Speaking of Brazil... a week after Gus' birthday we went to Tucanos and had a ton of good food and a great time! They even sang to him while he stood on a chair and played the tambourine!The girls were so excited to give Dad their presents. Sarah Jane gave him some of his favorite candy Swedish Fish! Carlie got him a Toy Story Memory game... their favorite game to play together! Grady gave his dad a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt that said Turtley Awesome! He also got a bike pump so he can go for bike rides with the kids!

For Gus' birthday I thought that I would tell everyone 29 things about him...

1. He is a great father.
2. He is a wonderful husband.
3. He loves candy.
4. He loves to ride motorcycles.
5. He loves having a son.
6. He is a good singer.
7. He is a math nerd.
8. He is a well trained restaurant server.
9. He is a gamer... he loves to play video games.
10. He is a facebook junkie.
11. He is a stone mason.
12. He loves to help people.
13. He is very easily distracted.
14. He can't stand bad customer service.
15. He loses his phone daily.
16. He loves playing sports (basketball, tennis, softball, volleyball).
17. He loves The Office.
18. He owns a BMX.
19. He loves to teach his children to say funny things.
20. He is very kind and helpful.
21. He loves to make lists and Excel spreadsheets.
22. He is a hard worker.
23. He is a very happy guy.
24. You can tell his mood by the position of his eyebrows.
25. He is quick to forgive.
26. He is very handsome.
27. He is hilarious.
28. He is a good friend.
29. He loves me!

I am so happy to have Gus in my life. He makes life fun!
I love you Gus!


Unknown said...

WHat! Gus I am older than you? well you look older! ha ha just kidding! happy birthday!

Howling Pickup said...

Happy Birthday Gus! I can't believe how big Grady is getting. We miss you all and hope you are well!

Daniel and Tiffany Dunn said...

happy birthday Gus! Carolee makes you out to look cooler than you really are! you must REALLY love her! ;)

Nickel said...

FYI - there's a store in Burley & SLC that sale Guarana (sp?) too and they sale them in the can so it last a LITTLE longer :)

Brian's grandpa knows all the places to get Guarana around here

Happy Birthday Gus!

C Dub said...

I tried to buy you a Vandal shirt but when I let slip who it was for, I barely got out of there with my life. Sorry, Bronco Birthday Boy (BBB)...