Carlie is a very smart little girl who has a gift for memorizing! In our ward our Bishop encourages the children to memorize the 13 Articles of Faith by having them recite them to him after church on Sunday. If they do it the bishop gives them a piece of candy! The prospect of candy is a big motivator for Carlie so while she was in Nursery (3 years old) she memorized ALL of the 13 Articles of Faith! Since she has passed them all off the Bishop encouraged her to try the Scripture Mastery's.
These are the ones that she learned last year...
June 2010
Age 4: 1Nephi 3:7
(Sorry, this one is hard to hear because
she was saying it at my parents house in front of a big group.)
July 2010
Age 4: Mosiah 3:19
August 2010
Age 4: Helaman 5:12
September 2010
Age 4: 3Nephi 18:18-20
November 2010 Age 4:
Doctrine and Covenants section 4