Happy Fathers Day!
What a handsome husband I have. I am so thankful for Gus and the great Father he is to our little girls! He is so helpful and playful with them. They get so excited to see him when he comes home from work! Carlie is always repeating everything he says (which is not so good sometimes) and Sarah Jane is a total daddy's girl. He is so great with the girls especially since I am too pregnant to get down and play with them. We Love you!
Sunday morning with his doting daughters and his gift... a revolving tie rack!
Below is a slide show I made for Gus... take a look!
I know that Gus has some excellent ties to put on that rack. I mean the tie rack, not the..., um, never mind.
Gus, how about another tie rack to add to your Fathers Day gift? It's in mint condition, still in the box...wait that's my VHS Mr. Holland's Opus.
We had a good time eating ice cream at sonic. Andrew likes Gus and thinks that he's funny.
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