Friday, September 25, 2009

Carlie started Pre-School!!

I can't believe that Carlie is in pre-school. She will be four soon(January) She is getting to be so grown up! My sisters/sisters-in-law are doing a pre-school together, there are seven little monsters... uh I mean cousins that are participating. Carlie is loving it so far and has retained the letters and numbers she has learned! Here are some picture on her first day of Pre-School! Carlie is such a character, we love her! Sometimes she is a spaz though...

Smile Carlie...

Look at me...

Look at me and Smile...

Sisters! They love playing together in fact it is hard to have one without the other, they keep each other entertained! I love my little girls!


Daniel and Tiffany Dunn said...

CUTE! she is so funny!

Fernandez Family said...

Your girls are so cute. How has life been with three?!